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Application Example Page

Branded Digital App (PWAs)

  • Saves to the home screen as an app
  • Custom URL with domain choice
  • SSL Security Certificate
  • Shareable QR Code
  • Share action
  • Works offline
  • Custom icon and App Name
  • Menus
  • Footer links
  • Header image
  • Call-to-action images
  • Selectable image positions
  • Social embeds
  • Video embeds
  • RSS feeds
  • Subpages
  • Microsites (Funnels)
  • Carousels
  • Attached files
  • Built-in PDF reader/printer
  • vCard
  • Unpublish App
  • In-app messages
  • Map action
  • Rich text
  • Formatting for desktop displays
  • Audience filters according to device
  • Metrics - page views, unique visitors, and more
  • The capture of offline metrics
  • Custom URL tags (UTM codes)
  • Facebook and Google Analytics
  • SEO
  • Progressive web app controls
  • Splash screen
  • Optional install prompt for Apple & Android
Product Page: Stores_Product_Widget
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